Is it prudent to buy one and leave it in the packaging, hoping that someday it'll be worth more, this woman-specific product frozen at the time of the celebrity's suspension? Is it ethical? Because it's just business, right?

I'm thinking the time to buy is now, because you won't be able to get these forever.
When I think about the recent tragedy involving the young lady in Georgia, I'm intrigued that the only people I've seen dealing with this issue are men. The Ben, the cop, the

Are there no Pittsburgh feminists?
How will the women of Steeler Nation treat their men who cheer Ben on? Will they give them a six-week hiatus, with the possibility of a return at four weeks if they're appropriately submissive?
Isn't buying the jersey on speculation just doing (in a micro way) the same thing as what the Steelers are doing - betting now on the future utility value of Ben, hoping that the fast passage of time and the blurry news cycle will make the shame go away? Maybe even someday we'll look back on this and laugh?
Or, in fact, will nothing change? Here we go Steelers, here we go...

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