April 09, 2014

Paradox of Vehicle Cocoon and Other-Danger

Inspired by a post at Invisible Visible Man which I recommend to you, Dear Reader - he's an excellent writer (for the Financial Times, no less) and observer, and quite thought-provoking. His invocation of Bob Dylan in this post is poetic and poignant.

But it was this note that grabbed me:

I'm struck, however, that it’s often the people least cut off from the reality of the city around them – cyclists out on the streets, intensely aware of all that’s going on – that are disproportionately involved in campaigns to make the streets safer. It’s a serious safety issue that so many vehicles allow their users to cut themselves off so thoroughly from events outside. It’s hard not to imagine that people with clearer views of pedestrians and cyclists and fewer barriers to hearing street sounds might be less likely to run them over.

which prompts this, glomming onto Jessica Hagy's style of Indexed:


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