August 16, 2009

Woodstock and "the Times, They Are A-Changing" 2.0

I recently went to Kevin Acklin's website and saw a small logo of a bird and thought, how clever! Somebody embedded the Woodstock logo into Acklin's webpage to generate a little recognition among the "experienced" (ie, my age) voters.

Then I googled the image and realized it's not the Woodstock bird, it's not a shout-out to my youth, it's a Twitter bird and a harbinger that the time's have indeed been a-changing, I'm out of sync, I'm outdated, and I'm misinterpreting symbols that aren't even there. And besides that - Acklin's website isn't targeting me and mine, they're targeting Twitter-heads that get it, and obviously - I don't.

Arghh. I hate it when that happens. Never mind.

This is the Woodstock poster that I thought Acklin's people were alluding to:

And, lest anybody get all rhapsodic about that "magic time" of the beautiful people with flowers in their hair:


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