You could go to their website: Range Resources: Jobs For Generations to see the flash movie (which is just awesome, it touched me down deep) or to read the inspiring text:
At one time, parents in Pennsylvania could watch their children grow up and pursue the career of their choice right here at home. That hasn't been the case for many decades now, but opportunity is returning to our state and jobs related to natural gas drilling are leading the way. Soon new industries will come here to take advantage of our newfound, affordable energy, bringing even more jobs. Before long there will be almost unlimited career choices in Pennsylvania. Best of all, it’s a trend that could last 100 years or longer. That’s good news for our children, our grandchildren … and even their children.
I have always appreciated the Rev. Ike for his contribution to my awareness, the identification of the transaction type (some call it swindle) that involves my pain now, your profit now, and my longterm profit; and whenever anybody promises me future/downstream ethereal benefits coupled with immediate and allegedly transitory pain and loss for me coupled with profits for them, I think fondly of the Rev. Ike. He taught me some lessons.
I don't think Range Resources would like Ike; their ad campaign is all soft promises in the bye-and-bye - your children will have great jobs here with... somebody... later on! while in the now-and-now, your water is flammable, your kids have migraines, your land is worthless, and they've cut down all your trees. Sorry about the earthquakes.
The best thing about being the target of a propaganda campaign, is knowing that you're the target of a propaganda campaign.
This blog will support Range Resource's public education campaign with supplemental material. Our first contributions:

"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"
J. Wellington Wimpy
Mighty nice of them to hire our kids after their cognitive learning skills have been destroyed by by heavy metal run-off and methane-contaminated drinking water.
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