(No, a file naming convention is not a large hotel full of FileNamers wearing Hi My Name Is stickers and looking for geek schwag.)

I look forward to the day when I tell my grandchildren, I remember back when we only had the old 8.3 format, just an eight-letter name followed by a three-letter file type.
I try to be reasonable.
- IANAF (I Am Not A Fundamentalist) who insists on using the DEC Alphabet in filenames, eschewing the use of letters I, L, O, Q, S and Z because they may cause confusion with numerals 1, 0, 5, and 2.
- IANAA (I Am Not An Anarchist) who insists on using leet (1337) substitutions in filenames. ex: f33lings-nothing-more-than-f33lings.wav
If there was convention for file-namers, I'd have to attend, since I've always been obsessive about it.
I prefer yyyy-mm-dd for the date portion because I have files that were originally created in 19xx that I still look at (ok, not frequently) and have renamed to my newer convention. Also I find it's more readable with the -'s.
I rely on directories to provide the context of project name, etc.
I've heard of the concept of omitting ambiguous characters, but didn't know it started with DEC.
DEC, of course, gave us the best operating system for file management, VMS, with built-in version numbering. filename.ext;version Version number would increment every time you saved a file, you could specify a default # of versions to keep, or you purge all but a certain #, or you could just keep them all. However, you had to keep an eye on certain system files to make sure they didn't get to ;32767 which was the max. version allowed (16-bits)
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