According to a transcript of the speech on Mr. Gingrich's website, newt.org, he said: “I ... hope the House Republicans are going to move a bill in the first month or so of their tenure to create a venue for state bankruptcy"
Pensions & Investments, hmmm, why would an investment newletter support bankruptcy of state governments? Because the state employees with canceled pensions would then become customers of the
When an industry newsletter pitches a favorite concept, you can tell the depth of its support by looking to see who's the first authority the writer presents to establish the credibility of the pitch. In this case, Newt's back is covered by Grover Norquist, of "starve the beast" fame. I guess Ronald Reagan wasn't available.
It's a real statement of how bankruptcy has become a mainstream business technique for ignoring valid contracts and breaking unions, and shows how much Republicans have gone in the tank for industry. If contracts become inconvenient, let's just cancel them and walk away, especially if you've already extracted your side of the value proposition.
Of course, this tendency to jettison inconvenient obligations comes as no surprise to those mindful of Mr. Gingrich's
Click here for a previous entry re Newt Gingrich's future visions.
only if we drop his pension and health care, what a maggot
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