July 07, 2013

Gosh Thank You Governor Tom Corbett

Thank you, Governor Tom Corbett, my family and I feel a lot more secure about our financial future and we just weren't sure who to thank for it. (also, I did not take this as a dog-whistle-code "I got the bums to work", really no I didn't.

It is, of course, really fortunate that all those people who are now going to work own cars, because the way you've unfunded public transit there's no way they're taking the bus to work.

Too bad about the fracking and your failure to fullfil your duties as specified in Article 1 Section 27 of the PA Constitution. Damn greenies.

Nice job signing legislation restricting the right of free suffrage (specified in Article 1, Section 5 of the PA Constitution) in spite of the fact that there is no, zero, zilch documentation of voter fraud.

Also, I think you were misinformed about Article 3, Sections 14 and 15 of the PA Constitution. You're supposed to fund public schools and not fund sectarian schools, I think you mixed that up.

Nice job delaying the Penn State child abuse scandal until after your election. Kind of surprised you still signed off an a $3M state grant to Sandusky's foundation as governor, knowing what you knew as attorney general. Real glad you wasted more tax money suing the NCAA.

Major props and acknowledgement to Will Blank.


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