I believe there is a corollary for bloggers: Don't Blog Snarky because it will bite you in the ass and make you ridiculous to a large group of people.
Thursday I blogged about the Rain City Superheroes, a group that patrols the streets of Seattle in costume (uniform?) doing things they believe are Good and perhaps Heroic. I referred to them as Harbingers of the Apocalypse which, on reflection, was a bit hyperbolic.
Friday I blogged about Callista Gingrich and Ellis the Elephant, and I boldly asserted TSSAAT, The Strangest Stories Are Always True.

Saturday I was presented with an opportunity to reflect on Superheroes and Strange Stories when I met a SuperHero in the gas station on Route 65 in Bellevue.
It was a beautiful windy day. I rode my bicycle around the city for several hours. I had stopped by Occupy Pittsburgh where a couple of people were wearing Guy Fawkes masks, which I now understand was a foreshadowing of subsequent events.
I was driving my car along Route 65, stopped for gas, and saw a Curiously Dressed Person at the adjacent pump. I thought, I've got to ask, even though I myself was dressed somewhat curiously in my paunchy bicycle kit.
I introduced myself, apologized for my unusual garb (which he agreed about), and then asked, What's This? May I take a picture? Certainly, he said in a definitive Superhero voice. I am Steel Man, official superhero of the City of Pittsburgh.
Unprompted, Steel Man flexed into a sort of Captain Morgan pose. I took the photo and committed an unintended faux pas, saying thanks Steeler Man which he graciously corrected to Steel-Man in a voice that suggested he's heard mortals make that error before, and he closed by saying you can look me up on the internet before he roared off into the distance on his motorcycle. As he drove away, I thought "nobody's going to believe this".

I googled Official Superhero of Pittsburgh just like he told me to, and found Steel-Man.com (just like he said I would).
He does have a sidekick, but that may be a tail for another day. It is a funny world.
Rock On, Steel Man.
How could you write all that without a single reference to Steely McBeam?
Because Steel Man doesn't waste his time with silly mascots.
He took on Batman. True story.
Good Day All! I was shooting a comic book teaser video that day and I met a nice man at a gas station who happened to be a blogger. In a couple of weeks, you can see the teaser video I made that windy Octiber day in Pittsburgh. I'll post the video on Facebook at "Pittsburgh Steel Man" and also on U-tube and, eventually, on my website - which is deliberately behind schedule all the time and some day you'll get it. And some day, you might even get the chance to read the Greatest Real SuperHero Story Ever. And then, you'll have something to Blog about.
Take care,
P.S. Leave the Red Spandex to the Pros.
Good Day All! I was shooting a comic book teaser video that day and I met a nice man at a gas station who happened to be a blogger. In a couple of weeks, you can see the teaser video I made that windy Octiber day in Pittsburgh. I'll post the video on Facebook at "Pittsburgh Steel Man" and also on U-tube and, eventually, on my website - which is deliberately behind schedule all the time and some day you'll get it. And some day, you might even get the chance to read the Greatest Real SuperHero Story Ever. And then, you'll have something to Blog about.
Take care,
P.S. Leave the Red Spandex to the Pros.
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