May 21, 2011

My Last Rapturous Blog Post, Maybe

This may be my last blog entry; a fringe group has analyzed scripture and determined that the Rapture will occur at 6pm local time Saturday, working its way around the globe one time zone at a time, initiating the "end times" and signalling the Big Finish.

They may be right. Nobody can tell the future, and if you believe the premise of The DaVinci Code (Tom Hanks wouldn't lie) then it's possible that somebody has decoded the hidden secret. New York's Mayor Bloomberg is making preparations.

In case these folks are right, I would like to thank my gentle readers for their support and comments, and I'd like to identify my favorite blog post of 2011, from the Centers for Disease Control.

Zombie Apocalypse

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse uses the pop-culture Zombie phenomenon to build interest for a discussion of emergency preparedness. This is an excellent communications piece, especially for a government website. My compliments to the authors.

The month of May is, after all, Zombie Awareness Month.

Armageddon is an Opportunity

The moment does present some opportunities.
  • You could set outfits of rumpled clothing on the ground, hoping to convince people that the chosen have left and they're still here. (always good for a laugh)
  • Since most EOTW believers used up their money and assets (Not to mention not making their beds on Saturday) there will be some quality items up for sale cheap on your local Craigslist on Sunday. I'm looking for a Surly Pugsley for a snow bike, an iPad II, maybe a 3-D printer. It'll be the ultimate Going Out Of Business Sale, with a twist - nobody went out of business!
  • At least one entrepreneur is selling contracts to take care of your pets after you go.

See you Sunday. Or Not


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