On Tuesdays they have the Team Decaf ride, which is a comfortable, mostly-flat "C" ride with a no-drop atmosphere. On Thursdays they have the Team Caffeine ride, which is an A-/B ride with hills. They're considering a Team Half-Caf ride, which splits the difference.
I was pleased to have a chance to go visit. Excellent coffee - I had a cafe au lait first, and later a cappuccino. Excellent staff, lots of seats at small tables, Wifi. The people skewed a bit older than what you'd see at the BeeHive — the Tazza D'Oro crowd was more in the grad-student to 40-something spectrum.
FWIW, excellent coffee shop, highly recommended.
Thanks so much for your generous words about Tazza D'Oro. Hope to meet you soon - maybe on a Tues nite ride?
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