In the beginning there as the ArpaNet, driven by defense research. Next came the Internet. Next came the Web (which is a subset of the internet). The Web (let's call it Web 0.0) was initially driven by (legitimate) academic researchers and enthusiastic hobbyists, and also by early-adopting pornographers and gamblers.
The Web grew, along with the ubiquity of web access and high-speed connections. Web 1.0 was driven by (legit) retail business and (non-legit) pornographers, gamblers, and IP thieves (hello BitTorrent!).
Now we're beginning to see Web 2.0 - just as the sage said, it's everywhere, it's just not distributed evenly - and Web 2.0 is driven by: (legit) retail business and advertising and the same firmly entrenched non-legit activities.

The web was supposed to replace Old Media (newspapers, magazines, television). Let's look at the role of advertising in Old Media: newspapers (check!), magazines (check!), television (check!) Advertising has Old Media all sewn up.
In the Information Age, the web (new media) was supposed to be different but now advertising is what makes the web go 'round. To the extent that the blogosphere drives revenue, it's ad-based. What makes the DrudgeReport possible? Advertising.
And here's the pop quiz: please guess the word that completes this sentence. Google is a (n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company.Press here to see the answer. | ![]() |

Advertising is driving Web 2.0 and social media. Advertising is bigger than Google, bigger than Microsoft, and they've sewn up the web. I'd almost rather have the gamblers in charge.
Advertising is propaganda.
Advertising drives Web 2.0
If I understood syllogism I could probably do something with those two lines, but I'm not that clever so I'll have to settle for an enthymeme.
never forget... bitnet, bulletin boards and panix
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