Started: One Person/Multiple Careers

I'm a slasher.
A lot of people are slashers. When I meet somebody, the reach question - the question that might be uncomfortable to ask but could be a breakthrough to discuss - is, What else do you do? It's awkward to hear, this is the only thing I do (not that there's anything wrong with that), but more and more people have more than one gig going on, and it's really telling to know where their other foot is.
I came across this book here, and it promises to be all about what I'm in the middle of - running two careers in parallel.
Slashers have multiple situations, and one (dangerous, I think) possibility that intrigues me is developing multiple personas, one for each niche. If the manager/ wears button-downs while the /artist wears black, and their attitudes shift with the garb, that would be problematic, a Jekyll-and-Hyde that switches with the sections of a Franklin Planner. So it's multiple jobs but just one you, I would think. I'm looking forward to reading this.
Maybe Pittsburgh is a slasher town - we're an educational-slash-medical community.
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